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Posted on: 24/05/2021

The future's bright, clean and green.

The future's bright, clean and green.

Its not the first time that we've had to deal with fake news but this time we can share what UKIFDA, Oftec and some of the UK's largest liquid fuel suppliers are doing to ensure that home heating oil has a future and is ready for our cleaner and greener world.

Of the approximately four million homes off the gas grid in the UK, c1.5m currently use oil heating while a further 200,000 use LPG. The government has stated that it intends to phase out the installation of these, and other high carbon fossil fuel heating systems during the 2020s. With this proposal in mind, UKIFDA, Oftec and fuel suppliers have been looking at including a low carbon liquid heating solution for homes currently burning Kerosene to provide space and water heating. 

The production, testing and offer of a sustainable fuel for use as a total replacement, or as part of a blend, would enable the progressive transition of oil users to a cleaner and greener fuel with lower carbon emissions and impact on the environment.

The fuel would be made from fossil free sustainable materials and could be introduced into existing tanks and boilers with very little modification to the systems, incovenience, or cost.

To keep you informed OFTEC and UKIFDA have launched the Future Ready Fuels project which explains the pathway to greener heating in a cleaner world.

Future Fuels Ready Project - a pathway to greener heating.